The Hawk Enigma

We thought it’d be a cool thing to do a text review. We we’re honored to come across a very well versed individual by the name of J.L. Hancock. Within moments of talking to him, he became an incredible resource and mentor right out of the gate. It was out of random researching Ai and falconr we found – The Hawk Enigma. We joked that there’s no way someone wrote a book about tech, the samurai, drones, hacking, and Ai, or that it involved hawks.. We were wrong… So we bought a few. Read it over the month of May ’23. This book is insanely good, we’ve mentioned that already. To see creative wordplay meet a story involving tech, combat, and the hunting of formidable threats is a full God send. It’s the book we needed. Even better; it’s a book the community needed. Hancock unleashed a knowledge bombardment. Rightfully so, the guy is the real deal and spent time as the innovation lead for Navy SOF Teams. His insight and creativity is seriously unmatched. We took our time picking his brain learning about the different ways to fund innovation projects.

Teachings from J.L. Hancock. When you want to create an innovative solution in the technology world. This is how you bring something to fruition.
Ideation: Is it being done? Research element is CRITICAL…Look at commercial industry and academia to see if someone has thought of this and learn from their mistakes/ is there a commercial market already doing it
Requirement: Resource Sponsors: Is someone already saying this is a Delta or a Gap in their acquisitions process and are they trying to fill it. How are we going to contract this? Who is going to pay for it? Funding sources/resource sponsors. If a POR already exists, it is none of our business… How do you find new things you want to get, how do you buy those things, how do you keep them working, how do you throw them away (Colors of money). Look for resource sponsors that find interest in <> Figure out resource funds’ agenda, WHAT IS A WIN FOR THEM (leadership), mandated by leadership. Identify whether or not what we are doing aligns. Can I solve your problem and win at the same time? Can this support Joint service operations? Funding- Time it right, have the right presentation, need to understand the organization’s needs TOP TO BOTTOM, and whether or not what you are doing aligns with that.
Contracting: What is the vehicle you are going to use to move money found? Find a resource sponsor, have them do a MIPR, and move the money to a national lab. Go to the lab> project manager, who has expertise in this field and subcontract <this> company. Go to any branch of service and ask if they want part in it, Wins across the board. AFWERX . Need to do all five steps with proper subject matter expertise, recognize your value, and HAVE MONEY.
Assign Miltary-Related Subject Matter Expert: FULL TIME, has to be a constant feedback loop. Needs to know the process inside and out, not just tech, but where in the acquisitions pipeline the info needs to be injected as well as the tech itself
Transition: Educate concepts fo SOCOM S&T w/ videos. Identify the stakeholders whether good or bad. Where is this going in the end? Who needs to own this and WHY? Does it have interoperability?